Shipping Container Location Certificate

Modern technologies make cargo transportation even more and more comfortable and functional. With the use of satellite system, an owner can know the exact location of a transportation module. The First Container Terminal (FCT) is connected to the international net of automatic control. Information is gathered according to the supporting documents and container classification in the general transnational system.

Certificate from the First Container Terminal

The process of getting a reference is easy. A sender or a receiver of load can login the FСT website or connect to the logistics system network “Rolis” to get the efficient information. To do so, it is necessary to insert an identification number in the given field. The certificate includes the following data:

  • Location of an object;
  • Arrival at the destination;
  • Clear report about cargo parameters that require special storage conditions.

Certificate in other terminals

Russian companies, located on the territory of the Large port in Saint Petersburg, offer required services. Huge volume of shipping containers raise the demand on providing appropriate information.

It is also possible to get the reference in the company «Petrolesport». The entity has its own terminal and receives vessels from the European Union.

Possible obstacles

Inappropriately filled-in supporting documentation is the main reason of infractions in container transportation. Inconsistency can become a reason for delay or mistaken freight shipment. The most popular violations include:

  • Incorrect formalization or total absence of the first page;
  • Disparity of data about senders, receivers or container arrival data;
  • Sending a batch of containers with a single document

Duplicating data when making documentation during a repeated delivery can be another possible obstacle to get a shipping container location certificate.