Container terminals worldwide

Container Terminals and Depots

LocationМожайск, Московская область, Россия
Services of terminalMaintenance, Depots/Storage, Carrier/Freight Forwarder, Repacking/Transhipment, Reefer Cleaning/Mainternance, Empty Container Depots/Storage
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ООО Оазис
LocationНовороссийск, Россия
Terminal TypeAutomobile
Services of terminalMaintenance, Depots/Storage, Repacking/Transhipment, Reefer Cleaning/Mainternance, Empty Container Depots/Storage
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LocationКипарисово, Приморский край, Россия
Terminal TypeRailway
Services of terminalLogistic company, Maintenance, Depots/Storage, Carrier/Freight Forwarder, Insurance, Repacking/Transhipment, Customs broker, Customs declarant, Reefer Cleaning/Mainternance, Empty Container Depots/Storage, Sale/Buy Containers
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Забайкальский зерновой терминал
Locationпгт Забайкальск, Забайкальский край, Россия
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Таманский терминал навалочных грузов
LocationТаманская улица, 8, поселок Волна, Темрюкский район, Краснодарский край, Россия
Terminal TypeMaritime/Sea
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ООО «РокоНорд»
LocationСанкт-Петербург, Россия
Services of terminalHire/Leasing, Logistic company, Depots/Storage, Carrier/Freight Forwarder, Customs declarant, Empty Container Depots/Storage, Sale/Buy Containers
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Terminal TypeRailway, Automobile
Services of terminalDepots/Storage, Empty Container Depots/Storage
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Terminal TypeRailway, Automobile
Services of terminalOther, Depots/Storage, Carrier/Freight Forwarder, Container Manufacturer, Empty Container Depots/Storage
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Container terminals worldwide

Container ports enable the connection between sea lines and intercontinental routes. Well-equipped platforms are adapted to work with standard containers of various modifications. There are sea, overland terminals, customs ports and depots that serve empty shipping containers.

Storage, distribution, maintenance and overhaul of shipping containers are among the services of terminals. Special platforms also do the unloading and loading metal containers to barges, railway and automobile vehicles. They also do customs operations and offer necessary conditions to store special shipping modules and hazardous loads.

Companies, involved in cargo transportation and buying and selling containers, are interested in collaborating with container terminals. Containers.Guide allows finding a suitable port for keeping and maintaining containers worldwide. The price of services depends on implemented responsibilities. That is why, before choosing a container terminal, you are advised to look through the whole list of ports.